CAF (the Confederation of African Football) warns the state monopoly TV station, Ethiopia Radio and Television Agency (ERTA) for transmitting live the African football match between national teams of Ethiopia and Zambia last night (January 21, 2013).
Ethiopian Fans in Addis - Photo by Sisay Guzay
The Ethiopian TV, which was displaying advertisement of several sponsors of the game in the middle of the game, was exposed by the commentator of the game two times during the second half.
The TV station, which has the license to transmit the match from CAF displayed warning text warning in the middle of the match stating that Ethiopia Television is broadcasting the match live without making any payment to CAF or organizers of the continental football match.
“Shame on ETV! It broadcast an announcement that it broadcasts a transmission from another channel without paying what is due!, Now imagine this same ETV reporting about the rule of law, punishing illegality, etc with a blessing from the government!! I would have loved to see ETV bosses in court, but that only happens had it been a station in another country,” commented another Ethiopian journalist on his facebook wall.
The station will face legal charges from the football governing organization of the continent and the organizers for “the piracy”, according to the commentator, who didn’t said much about what exact measure will be taken by CAF against the Ethiopian government-owned lonely TV station in the country.
The 2013 African football tournament is opened on Saturday (January 20, 2013) in South Africa.
Among the sponsors advertisements displayed during “the pirated live broadcast” by the station includes advertisements of government institutions and both private and state banks as well as insurance and manufacturing firms, among others.
According to an Ethiopian spectator who commented anonymously describing the situation as “disgracing for the country”, the TV station has to give official clarification on the accusation to the sponsors, organizers of the continental match and the Ethiopian people who watched the game with a bunch of sponsors advertisements throughout the whole game. "Such violation of international laws will portray a bad imgae to the country, which has been working hard to join the World Trade Organization (WTO)," he said.
Ethiopian team, whose goalkeeper is sent off with red card, draw one goal each with Zambia – the winner of African cup of nations two years ago. Ethiopian fans are seen celebrating their national team’s first match result at the tournament after 31 years failure to qualify.
Ethiopian national football team known as “the Antelopes”, are grouped with Nigeria, Burkina Faso and Zambia. As Nigeria and Burkina Faso who played after Ethiopia and Zambia also draw one each, the second match for each team will be decisive.