Jun 30, 2013

Ethiopia paper warns a ‘satanic’ gay ‘disease’ is spreading

An influential Ethiopian paper published an article saying homosexuality, equated with child rape, is disease spreading throughout the country, as well as announcing a new documentary film about the ‘satanic issue’

Yegna Press a highly influential Amharic newspaper published an article warning the general public of the ‘problem’ of homosexuality, a ‘disease
imported’ from the west, is spreading in Ethiopia.
The article uses deliberately provocative and sensationalist language equating paedophilia, rape and male sex work with homosexuality, blaming gays for rape and molestation of teens and spreading of HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia.
The paper also announced that a documentary film about how ‘cured’ gays confess to their acts and later ‘healed’ by prayer, will be released in a high profile conference attended by government officials, religious and civil society leaders, in the Addis Ababa, the country’s capital.
The article states that: ‘Although male prostitutes have been working underground for years, seeking wealthy gay men wanting a quick liaison they have now become more open, moving into nightclubs, bars and streets of Addis Ababa seeking clients rather than hiding in the dark.
‘Addis Ababa is strangely stormed by young and teenage homosexual male prostitutes,’ said the article published last week.
It also went on to declare that a documentary film that allegedly aims to ‘expose the satanic 666 actions of homosexuals in Ethiopia’ is scheduled to be screened and officially released on Monday, in a planned gathering of religious leaders, civil society and government official in Addis Ababa.
The film, entitled ‘No silence- about the 666 satanic act of homosexuality in Ethiopia’, produced by the Father Teklehaymanot Memorial Association, ‘documents’ testimonials of men who have been ‘cured’ of their homosexuality (ex-gay), who said ‘they practiced sex from the age of 7 to 32 years-old.’
‘Ex-gays’ are said to explain on video their ‘tactics’, dress code, and ‘confess’ to spreading the ‘dirty western culture of homosexuality in Ethiopia.'
The press release goes on to say that ‘thanks to some concerned Ethiopians they are now cured by prayer and with the help of … religious counselling organizations.’
‘Now they want to be a witness and a role model as ex-homosexuals for the others to follow their foot-steps and seek prayer and support to be free from the evil spirit of homosexuality.’
Last year, the same newspaper published an article warning about a gay 'infestation' in Ethiopia and alleged the United States and Europe are plotting to export, spread and promote homosexuality in Ethiopia.
Mercy, director of Rainbow-Ethiopia, an LGBT support group that provides counselling and sexual health guidance, told GSN: ‘Ethiopia is an exceptionally conservative Christian and Muslim country with enormous religious influence on politics and daily life.
‘Publishing and producing these kind of provocative and hate based news and documentary film only fuels the already existent widespread homophobia, inciting violence against the LGBT community.
‘Homosexuality is not paedophilia or child molestation, which far more often happens in a heterosexual context.
‘Paedophilia and child molestation should be denounced and dealt with.
‘We ask the concerned local stakeholders to stop the misconception and false propaganda of confusing consensual gay sex with paedophilia, and we are prepared to work with them to such an effect.
‘We completely denounce deliberate harmful and hate inciting news and documentary film and urgently request the paper’s editor to do appropriate research and follow the ethical practice of journalism before publishing articles on the sensitive issues of homosexuality in Ethiopia.’ 
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