On May 21,2013, acontingent of the Ethiopian Army accompanied by the Liyu Police massacred ten members of an agro-pastoralist family near the town ofGalashe. The Ethiopian Army conducted the operation in order to create terror among the agro-pastoralists in the area after more than 70 Liyu police members deserted their battalion in Galalshe base. The Ethiopian Army recently told the civilian population in the Area that they would be killed if they do not report the whereabouts of deserters from the Liyu police. The Army tied together and shot seven members of the family, in front of the villagers, while taking away three who were found later found dead
about three miles from their village.
The Ethiopian Army and Liyu Police trained and Armed by Ethiopia and funded from Donor money (Read) have killed more than three hundred civilians since the beginning of this year. The Ethiopian Army based in Galalshe has committed countless massacres in the Area and Human Rights groups have previously documented its ruthless violations.
The names of those shot in the village is listed below and the rest will be available later.
The Ogaden National Liberation Front condemns this heinous act and calls upon the international community to make the Ethiopian regime accountable for its violations of the Human Rights of the Ogaden people.
Issued by ONLF
The available names of victims:
Mr Macalin Mustafe Hassan Taraar
Mr Shaafi Aw khaliif Ibrahim
Mr Abdullaahi Abdi Ali
Mr Shakul Abdi Dhubbad
Mr Farah Mohamed Ibaahim
Mr Abdihayi Sheikh Ahmednur
Mr Abdrashiid Shafici